Activity 15

Task description: In this activity we had to screen shot a picture that’s intresting and if you could ask the artist any question what would it be and why do you think this artist painted this work and here the image i’m intrested.

I’m intrested in this drawing because its very cool and very detailed and my  first reaction to this was shocked anyways if i had a question to the artist i would personally say “why’d you do this drawing in the first place” and why i think this artist did this picture because it was autumn and wanted to sketch but i may be wrong.


activity 8

Task description: Today activity we did song maker and we have to make a song that reminds us about autumn and i did a song golden hour but it got deleted from my sister and the reason why golden hour remind me of autumn because it got release on autumn and you should listen to the song!

Autumn Learning Journey 5

Task description: Iron man because he’s powers are pretty cool and he shoots lasers from his palms and from is chest he shoots a big lazer beam he cool! and if i was a super hero my name will be the Tongan man and my super power will be invisible and also to teleport around and the suit i would wear would be something normal like a human