Activity 11

Task description: in this activity you had to do something cool what i mean cool is we get a word autumn and for each letter in that word we have to write a word. Example: If i got the word Class I have to make a word that start with C because the word is class and then it goes on to l to a s and so long and here’s mine!

Activity 7

Task description:

Ngahuru/Autumn was the most anticipated time of the year for Māori; being the time of harvest there was an abundance of kai!  What do you think this whakatauki means?   

“Ngahuru, kura kai, kura tangata” Harvest-time, wealth of food, the wealth of people.

In this activity we got to answer the question whats does this proverb means and this is what i think.

its harvest time for the year wealth food good food and good people for wealth people and yeah that’s what i think it means i might be wrong because i have no idea what this means at all!


Activity 9

Task description:

Ngahuru (Autumn) is the time of year when crops are harvested and stored ready for winter. Māori stored their crops in pits, ready for the upcoming winter months.

Research traditional Māori storage.  Eg pōhā or rua kūmara, pātaka, now we have to research traditional Maori storage and this is what i found.

Pātaka – small, raised buildings, some elaborately carved  were used to store food for ceremonial events and winter use. Storage pits, sterilised by fire and sealed against vermin, were also used to hold some foods, such as kūmara.

Activity 16

Task description: For this activity we had to research someone in the war during wartime and your community. I did Samoa nurses because i’m half Samoa and it sound intresting come check it out!

i learn that New Zealand  had a letter that britain is having war and that New Zealand Government with a request to capture the German territory of Samoa and seize its wireless radio station. I learn that on the ships there were over 1400 men and women, mostly territorials and volunteers, who became some of the first New Zealand troops to see active service.