Follow Up

Task Description: Today i have finished my follow up about a girl named Rez which had a bad life when she was little. Come check it out for more information and make sure to leave a positive comment and have a good and beautiful day!

Flying Animals

Task Description: Today i have completed my research task about flying birds which are animals that can fly which are animals i never knew. These animals has long names like azhdarchid pterosaur Quetzalcoatlus which is the largest gliding bird and also Meganeuropsis permiana which is the largest flying insect. Come check out my research task and make sure to leave a positive comment!

Wind T4W4

Task description: Today i have completed my revision task which was about fraction, rounding, measurement and lots more! It was very simple but some of it was kinda hard but eventually finished. Come check it out and make sure to leave a positive comment!

Diwali Task: 4 Facts

Task Description: Today My class is learning about diwali which is a celebration that india normally do and other countries but anyways we did 4 facts which was easy. I did when was diwali and also why they celebrate but anyways come check it out and leave a positive comment!